I can never remember a time when I was not political. Politics has always mattered. This year, however, it matters even more. While I understand and respect that everyone has a choice, I feel compelled to share my truth about why I wholeheartedly support Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to be the next President and […]
In Trump’s world, it’s easier to regulate the bodies of disabled people than to limit deadly weapons
Opinion By DAVID PERRY, CNN.com (August 16, 2019)–On his way to a rally in New Hampshire on Thursday, Donald Trump unveiled his latest musing — to incarcerate the vulnerable. This time, he’s coming for people with mental illness, suggesting that the United States build more mental institutions because of mass shooters. Worse, it’s all too […]
Why disabled Americans remain second-class citizens
By DAVID PETTINICCHIO, WASHINGTON POST (JULY 23, 2019)–This month we celebrate the anniversary of the second-most important civil rights law in American history behind only the 1964 Civil Rights Act: the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA), which Congress passed in 1990. But while you might hear this law lauded, you likely won’t hear about the […]
Choosing Sides On School Inclusion
Special education should be a service for children, not a place they are sent. By JILLIAN BENFIELD, CONTRIBUTOR, HUFFPOST.COM It’s a journalist’s job to present the facts, to get both sides of the story and deliver their piece without bias. I haven’t worked as a journalist in three years, yet I realized recently that in […]
Hawking: Did he change views on disability?
EDITOR’S NOTE: Stephen Hawking died March 14. He was 76. By JAMES GALLAGHER, BBC NEWS Stephen Hawking was both one of the world’s most famous scientists and most famous disabled people. His life was a juxtaposition of sparkling intellect and failing body. Prof Hawking was diagnosed with a rare form of motor neurone disease when […]
Disabled women see #MeToo and think: what about us?
EDITOR’S NOTE: March 8 is International Women’s Day which acknowledges the achievements of women throughout history in countries world wide. by ANNE WAFULA STRIKE, THE GUARDIAN When people talk about ‘inclusion’ and ‘diversity’, disability is usually left out. The women’s movement should be the place to change that Disabled women are still struggling to find […]