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White House report: Most welfare recipients able to hold jobs, but aren’t
By SUSAN McFARLAND, UPI July 12 (UPI) — A White House report said Thursday most Americans living in poverty who receive government benefits are not working, even though they are able to — a published backing for the Trump administration’s plan to impose new work requirements for welfare recipients. The 66-page report from the White […]
She cleaned for $3.49 an hour. A gas station just offered her $11.25.
By DANIELLE PAQUETTE, THE WASHINGTON POST Colton Channon needed just 90 minutes each day. Every morning for about a month, in training designed for him, the high school senior with an intellectual disability practiced making steel brackets for trucks at a Des Moines factory. The skill took more than a few tries to master. But […]
Why disabled Americans remain second-class citizens
By DAVID PETTINICCHIO, WASHINGTON POST (JULY 23, 2019)–This month we celebrate the anniversary of the second-most important civil rights law in American history behind only the 1964 Civil Rights Act: the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA), which Congress passed in 1990. But while you might hear this law lauded, you likely won’t hear about the […]